Monday, September 8, 2008

Four dress sizes in a closet and only one me

I cant believe in the last 18 months, I have practically scaled from one to four dress sizes. My dear, its even possibly six if we count the 9th and 10th month of babyland. Thanks and no thanks to pregnancy which accounted for the 2 to 4 lbs gain every month in the early 10 months (thankfully, I averaged 2 pounds a month). And then there's the phenomenon called breastfeeding for the latter 8 months, which helped bring down the pounds but at the same time, kept you a little up the charts to keep the little one's supply ample. And then there was the thyroid thing, the weight loss accompanying it was 'fun' while it lasted although as the weight came back slowly, it was accompanied by a slow anguishing disdain for every pound that made a come back.

For the love of life, no one can understand why I keep four dress sizes in my closet. That empty box has waited for months to dispose of the ones that "dont fit now but will surely fit later"...and the ones that we thought of giving away "but ill probably need some day". And who would forget the clothes that I cant give up now because "im just in the plump cycle of the month".... Thinking this through, I believe I have yet to introduce you to my three oldest friends!

Security! You always need to find something to wear.... keep the basics, have the classics or what have you!

Society! You always need something to wear that's socially 'up there', or in my vocabulary - something that makes you feel good about yourself...never mind the trend! This friend is a little menacing because you know, after awhile, your set aside budget and plunge for the next best thing....

Sanity! Above all things, you need to wear something that fits! Something that carries you throughout the bloating, the binge-ing, the bleeping cycle of your womanhood and then back!
In the see saw of things, sanity is the one friend you want to keep in your closet. Yes, its so full of stuff you like (but do they like you back on that fitting day?). If that one piece doesnt fit! Bam! Worse than a bad hair day! So above all things, I keep the dress sizes that have been with me through it all- for my sanity.

Who can blame us women for having this friendship with clothes??? We keep them or do they keep us- perhaps that ought to be the real question....

Even if we know the answers - the logical answers, the right ones, we keep the excess anyway.

Its a whole process of thinking it through and realizing what would be left of us, without the clothes.

Yes, exactly four dress sizes and only one me. Id like to keep 'me'.

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