Monday, October 17, 2011

Nobody can give what he does not have.

Be convinced of this: your apostolate consists in spreading goodness, light, enthusiasm, generosity, a spirit of sacrifice, constancy in work, deep study, complete self surrender, being up to date, cheerful and complete obedience to the Church, and perfect charity.

Nobody can give what he does not have.

- St Jose Marie Escriva

Noon time and I reach for this small book that I keep close to me for inspiration-  The Furrow. After a week of somewhat emotional high and low - questioning all purpose, intention and direction, these words come to me like a gentle reminder. Perhaps I had to go through that questioning of confidence in order to appreciate the assurance i received just now.

This was what I needed reminding of-  my mold, my purpose here in this world need not be after any particular impression or design, aimed to closely resemble that which I think my life ought to be or again, that struggle for what the world considers straight out of the textbook- successful. 

What it needs to be is constant. To be in a constant state of apostolate.

An apostolate for spreading goodness because we were born for that reason. It is our innate task. We were born with that intent and nature.

For light, becoming if not being that light and bringing that light to others. God knows how many times weve switched them off for those who needed even a glimmer. 

For enthusiasm and radiating the same so much so it encourages and moves others to good. I do associate with the joy that emanates from service.

For generosity,  making  us channels and instruments for imparting the blessings we receive for the good of many more. Last Sunday at homily, the priest said that we are certain that blessings come from God when we are able to generously impart and part with it. He said be wary when what we have gained is something that is difficult to let go of and share and that we should consider the sources. That is because, God always gives/blesses us with the intent- that as custodians of goodness, we are enabled to be dispensers of mercy. When we are un-enabled, we must consider why.

For that spirit of sacrifice we shy from. Because everything about sacrifice is associate with suffering. And everything about suffering is scary. As we struggle with this continually, let us pray and draw grace from the truths that our life came from the greatest of sacrifices.

For that constancy in work. To avoid idleness and stagnancy. Perhaps to work on constancy in everything except where change is needed to improve and evolve as better human beings.

For deep study and continuous learning which I pray eventually makes us wiser than intelligent.

For complete self surrender when all world shouts for is control.

For being up to date- and not being left behind in living out the life intended for us.

For cheerful and complete obedience to the Church- for from obedience stems order and from order, peace.

And finally, for perfect charity- for where we have love, there stems mercy.

Apostolate, after all need not be an association with one virtue, one good, one mission, one charity, one focus, one project. It comes with embracing our unconditional lifelong purpose which were born into. It can all be all these wonderful things balled into one person- you. We are born an apostolate for goodness and everything else that follows.

How true- that we cannot give what we do not have. Again, I am reminded that the blessings we receive do not begin and end with us.
It is a grace granted to enable us to impart it to others. Let us always pray for discernment, inspiration and clarity of mind so that this very apostolate that we were born for can fulfilled beautifully.  Lets not let the day pass without our apostolic work. Every contribution counts.

Perhpas, we already have what we need today. What we will need tomorrow will be provided for.  We just need to pray harder for the grace to see it and the conviction to live it.

God bless us all with protection, provision and guidance.

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you don't reach it, at least you'll be among the stars."