The real perils of thyroidism - be it hyper or hypo, is the potential to shift between the two! I call it the hyper-hypo-hippo phenomenon! Its the perfect hi and lo scenario! Its the perfect sanity crasher. One day youre thin! the next day youre not!
On a bright note, a very small note - I was happy with some weight loss. All my life, I was never really that fattest person in the room - but I was also never really the thin one. That puts me in between. So losing weight does matter - especially to my ego. Its a welcome morale booster. So yes! In a big way, the losing the weight part that came with the hyperthyroidism symptoms was welcome- sans the sweating, sans the jitters, sans the nervous wreck it turned me into. The down side to this is usually, when you get better, your eating and appetite doesnt necessarily switch off with it. Youre stuck with the cravings, youre stuck with the food escape you thought was the privilege that came with hyperthyroidism. In the end, you find yourself not exactly hypothyroidism (YET! as they say this is a usual end result for the unlucky patrons! sigh!!!!!!!!!) but plumper in an unhealthy bent out shape. Easily, you could rise to hippo proportions if you dont swig it off your system! Thats why more than the physical aspects of exercise, you have to teach your heart and train you will to 'manage' and deliberately love yourself to health.
These days, I feel like a shape shifter. Ive resumed my badminton activities and tried a little walking here and there to keep me at bay. I automatically felt better with it ! Yes! I highly recommend some form of physical activity!
Day by day, with a little bit more discipline and encouragement, who knows, I can finally be the shape that defies thryoid proportions. =) It cant be just wishful thinking.